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Sonnet #1

Sonnet #1

On the 9th of November (2004) I walked back from the Stockwerk Deutsch dinner to State Street and along the way a number of ideas for drawings came to mind. The other, more allegorical ones, I decided to set aside for the time, and I instead went to the Fair Trade Coffee House to begin work on this curious spider-insect hybrid, which I called “Sonnet“ (8+6). Later that week(end) at the Kant Symposium I had further opportunity to doodle on it—in particular, to decide how the leg joints should be connected—and the week after that I got more work done on it at Steep & Brew, while chatting with Corina and drinking a Holiday Latté (with eggnog). Finally on Sunday the 21st I got around to coloring it. The result is just an exaggerated sketch, but the process itself was quite enjoyable. Rollerball and colored pencil.