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Course Supervisor: |
German Department: |
Required Texts:
Lovik, Guy, Chavez, Vorprung. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. (1997). [Textbook and Workbook]
Recommended Text:
Cecile Zorach and Charlotte Melin, English Grammar for Students of German. Olivia&Hill Press. (latest edition)
Pronunciation and listening for comprehension are essential skills and need to be emphasized in Beginning German. Although old-fashioned tapes are still being played in the language lab (on the second floor of Van Hise Hall), most of you will want to listen to the "sounds of German" and various listening texts, i.e., all texts from the textbook: Anlauftexte, Aufbautexte, Zieltexte as well as various other "Hörtexte" from the textbook (marked with an icon) and the workbook on-line. To access these texts on-line, please follow the following steps:
Be aware that both user name and password are case sensitive, i.e., need to be entered in lower case letters.
Here is an overview of assignments and their relative weight for the final grade, in accordance with the goals outlined above:
6 Vocabulary quizzes (@ 3% each) |
18 |
Final grade is based on the following percentage break downs:
92+% = A; 89-91.9% = AB; 82-88.9% = B; 79-81.9% = BC; 70-78.9% = C; 60-69.9 = D; 0-59.9% = F