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German Poems

I have organized the poets alphabetically by last name, and then organized their poems alphabetically by title (or by first line, if they are 'untitled'). This list is far from comprehensive, and for the most part only represents poems I found it worthwhile to transcribe. Over time I expect this list to grow.

Ausländer, Rose

Bachmann, Ingeborg

Benn, Gottfried

Brockes, Barthold Hinrich

Bürger, Gottfried August

Celan, Paul

Dauthendey, Max

Eichendorff, Joseph von

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Gryphius, Andreas

Hoddis, Jakob von

Hölderlin, Friedrich

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

Jandl, Ernst

Kafka, Franz

Kunert, Günter

Platen, August von

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Sachs, Nelly

Schaukal, Richard von

Schiller, Friedrich

Trakl, Georg

Ziegler, Charles Calvin