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Little girl, little girl
do not cry;
little girl
little girl,
you'll learn to fly
Falling from trees,
a gift so true,
petals in the sunlight---
oaths whispered new
Mommy from the hospital
daddy from the war
brother from the prison
sister at the store
No one at home
no one for you
grandma's in the grave
none left for you
Your angel's in the clouds
angel's in the trees
angel's in the flowers
buzzing like the bees
Little girl, little girl
you'll learn to fly---
up high
up high,
spread your wings out wide---
perchance to fly
Climb the barn
climb the trees
climb up high
to feel the breeze
Close your eyes
release your cries
the day is long
the day is gone
wipe your tears
forget your years
follow the path
your angel flies
Notes: Like ``Black Cat, White Cat'', this poem resulted from a stroke of inspiration while sitting at the computer and chatting on ICQ early in 2002. I sought to give it a sort of lullaby feel, and I wished to contrast the girl's sad and isolated life with the flight into nature.