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...Red Brigade and Irony. You decide.

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And now for something completely different...

Here we would like to present a few of our favorite musical groups. Visit your typical virtual capitalist institutions if you wish to purchase any of the good mentioned here.

..Laibach: The music arm of NSK (Neue Slovenische Kunst), this Slovenian group parodies authoratarianism and fascism through its music and stage shows. Be sure to catch their remake of Europe's "The Final Countdown" and their German-language version of Queen's "One Vision". Their remake of the Beattles' Let it Be album will bring tears to your eyes.


...Hanns Eisler, friend of Brecht and all-around good-guy Marxist now has his own .com website. Are they co-opting the commercial in .com, are they redefining it as communist, or are they without either irony or a clue? You decide.


..Joachim Witt: Graduating from Neue Deutsche Welle to the 90s and perhaps beyond, Joachim Witt has emerged from a two-year break to produce the sequel to his successful Bayeuth I. For a near-gothic and highly theatric look at the man and his music, visit his website.



Dancing Queen
Julius Meinl

Treat Me Right

Bürger Kind
Crack In The Box

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